
Attack Traceback👀

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  • Assume we have detected an attack. But we don’t know where it comes from.
  • Source IP address can be spoofed.

引入 Ingress Filtering

Ingress Filtering👀

Ingress filtering 可以解决 spoofing 的问题,但有部署问题

  • How to find packet origin?

  • Ingress filtering policy:
    • ISP only forwards packets with legitimate source IP
  • Implementation challenges:
    • All ISPs need to do this — requires global coordination:
      • If 10% of networks don’t implement, there’s no defense;
      • No incentive for an ISP to implement — doesn’t affect them;
    • As of 2017 (from CAIDA):
      • 33% of autonomous systems allow spoofing;
      • 23% of announced IP address space allow spoofing;

因为部署困难,所以使用 Transit Routers

IP Traceback👀

DDoS Defenses - IP Traceback

  • Goal:
    • given set of attack packets determine path to source
  • How:
    • change routers to record info in packets
  • Assumptions:
    • trusted routers
    • sufficient packets to track
    • stable route from attacker to victim
  • Write path into packets
    • router adds its own IP address to packet victim reads path from packet
  • Deterministic Packet Marking
  • Limitations
    • requires space in packet
    • path can be long
    • no extra fields in current IP format (changes to packet format too much to expect)


ICMP Traceback👀

Acronym: iTrace

  • Each router samples one of packets it is forwarding and copies the contents and adjacent routers’ info into an ICMP traceback message
  • Router uses HMAC and X.509 digital certificate for authenticating traceback messages
  • Router sends ICMP traceback messages to the destination

Some issues:

  • Require all the routers transmitting attack traffic be enabled with iTrace to construct an entire attack path
  • yet ICMP packets are usually filtered… because of ICMP Ping Flood Attack…
  • yet not all packets are sampled on every hop
ICMP Ping Flood

DDoS 中介绍过 ICMP Ping Flood

Exploit Internet Control Messge Protocol (ICMP)

  • an internet layer protocol used by network devices to communicate;
  • also used by network diagnostic tools such as traceroute and ping;
  • ICMP Echo Request: sender to receiver
  • ICMP Echo Reply: receiver to sender

Attack Principle:

  • both incoming ICMP Echo Request and outgoing ICMP Echo Reply consume bandwidth;
  • overwhelm the target device’s ability to respond to a high number of requests and/or overload the network connection with bogus traffic
  • The attacker sends many ICMP echo request packets to the targeted server using multiple devices;
  • The targeted server then sends an ICMP echo reply packet to each requesting device’s IP address as a response.


  • disable the ICMP functionality of the target device;
  • (make the device unresponsive to ping requests and traceroute requests)
Ping Flood Process

The DDoS form of a Ping (ICMP) Flood can be broken down into 2 repeating steps:

  • The attacker sends many ICMP echo request packets to the targeted server using multiple devices.
  • The targeted server then sends an ICMP echo reply packet to each requesting device’s IP address as a response.

Path Validation👀

  • PoC: Proof of Consent
    • certify the provider’s consent to carry traffic along the path
  • PoP: Proof of Provenance

    • allow upstream nodes to prove to downstream nodes that they carried the packet
  • Routers are dictated with paths and credentials

  • Routers add path proofs to packets
  • Routers verify path proofs

How frequent is attack?

  • Not every packet should be always marked and sampled

Only do when needed

  • Traceback from the router closest to the victim
  • Determine the upstream link that is used to carry out the attack traffic
  • Recursively apply the previous technique until the attack source is reached
  • Has to take effect while the attack is in progress


  • Find attack signature, the common feature contained in all attack packets
  • Communicate the attack signature to the upstream router, which then filters attack packets and determines the port of entry
  • Recursively apply the previous technique on the upstream routers until reaching the attack source
  • 困难是:A considerable management overhead at the ISP level to communicate and coordinate the traceback
  • Need collaborative hosts
  • Force the hosts to flood the links to upstream routers
  • Since buffer on victim is shared by all incoming links, flooding the link carrying out attack leads to drops of attack packets
  • Recursively apply the previous technique on the upstream routers until reaching the attack source
  • 困难是:Require an accurate topology map; High overhead given multiple attacking sources (e.g., DDoS)

Logging-Based Traceback👀

But link testing requires ongoing attack -> post-attack traceback

log packets on routers to support query

  • Routers store packet logs
  • Victim queries the closest routers about packet appearance of attack packets
  • The router containing attack packets recursively query upstream routers until reaching the attack source
what packet data to log?
  • Raw packets? high storage overhead on routers
  • Hash of invariant content per packet? still high storage overhead given high traffic rate
How to efficient memership query?

Bloom Filter

  • Effeficent set memership query using multiple hashes per set elements
  • Use a bitmap, a bit of which is set if one element is hashed to this position