
Email Security👀

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Email Architecture👀

MUA (Message User Agent)
  • hosted on a client email program or a local network email server;
  • sender MUA formats a message and performs initial submission into MHS via an MSA (Mail Submission Agent);
  • recipient MUA processes received email for storage and/or display to the recipient user
MHS (Message Handling Service)
  • composed of MTAs (Message Transfer Agents);
  • accepts a message from sender and delivers it to one or more recipients;
  • creates a virtual MUA-to-MUA environment;

Email Protocol:

  • Type 1: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
    • move messages through the Internet from source to destination;
  • Type 2: IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) and POP (Post Office Protocol)
    • transfer messages between mail servers

POP3 downloads the email from a server to a single computer, then deletes the email from the server. IMAP stores the message on a server and synchronizes the message across multiple devices

Email Format
  • RFC 5322
    • view messages as having an envelope and contents;
      • envelope contains whatever information needed to accomplish transmission and delivery;
      • contents compose the object to be delivered to the recipient;
    • RFC 5322 applies only to the contents;
    • the content standard includes a set of header fields that may be used by the mail system to create the envelope;
  • MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
    • extend RFC 5322 with enhancements;
    • Define five new header fields to provide information about message content
    • Standardize representations that support multimedia electronic mail
    • Define transfer encodings that enable the conversion of any content format into a form that is protected from alteration by the mail system
MIME Header
  • MIME-Version
  • Content-Type
  • Content-Transfer-Encoding
  • Cotent-ID
  • Content-Description

Email Security Threats👀

  • Authentication-related Threats
    • could result in unauthorized access to an email system
  • Integrity-related Threats
    • could result in unauthorized modification of email content
  • Confidential-related Threats
    • could result in unauthorized disclosure of sensitive information
  • Availability-related Threats
    • could prevent end users from being able to send or receive email


Secure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension

  • Authentication | 认证
  • Confidentiality | 保密
  • Compression | 压缩
  • Email compatibility | 兼容


  1. the sender creates a message
  2. use SHA-256 to generate a 256-bit message digest
  3. encrypt the message digest with RSA using the sender’s private key; append the result as well as the signer’s identity to the message
  4. the receiver uses RSA with the sender’s public key to decrypt, recover, and verify the message digest


  1. the sender creates a message and a random 128-bit number as a content-encryption key for this message only
  2. encrypt the message using the content-encryption key
  3. encrypt the content-encryption key with RSA using the receiver’s public key and append it to the message
  4. The receiver uses RSA with its private key to decrypt and recover the content-encryption key
  5. use the content-encryption key to decrypt the message

All processes on the sender: including the process that the sender uses RSA and receiver’s public key to encrypt one-time secret key and append it to the encrypted message;

Content Type👀

  • Data:
    • inner MIME-encoded message content; may be encapsulated in the following types;
  • SignedData:
    • digital signature of a mesasge
  • EnvelopedData
    • encrypted data of any type, and encrypted content-encryption keys for one or more recipients;
  • CompressedData
    • data compression of a message


Pretty Good Privacy, same functionality as S/MIME,free and popular for personal use.

与 S/MIME 不同的是:

  • Key Certification
    • S/MIME uses X.509 certificates issued by CA or delegated authorities; | S/MIME 使用由 CA 或授权机构颁发的 X.509 证书
    • OpenPGP allows users to generate their own OpenPGP public and private keys, and then solicit signatures for their public keys from known individuals or organizations
  • Key Distribution
    • OpenPGP does not include the sender’s public key with each message;
    • recipient needs to separately obtain that from TLS-protected websites or OpenPGP public key servers;
    • no vetting of OpenPGP keys, users decide whether to trust on their own

NIST 800-177 recommends the use of S/MIME rather than PGP because of the greater confidence in the CA system of verifying public keys


If any of the hundreds of CAs operating on the Internet is compromised, the effects can be widespread.

The attacker can obtain the CA’s private key, get issued certificates under a false name, or introduce new bogus root certificates into a root certificate store.

  • DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities
  • allow X.509 certificates to be bound to DNS names using DNSSEC
  • The purpose of DANE is to replace reliance on the security of the CA system with reliance on the security provided by DNSSEC.
  • Given that the DNS administrator for a domain name is authorized to give identifying information about the zone, it makes sense to allow that administrator to also make an authoritative binding between the domain name and a certificate that might be used by a host at that domain name.

TLSA Record👀

  • TLS Authentication Record
  • A new DNS record type defined by DANE
  • Used for a secure method of authenticating SSL/TLS certificates
  • Specify constraints on which CA can vouch for a certificate, or which specific PKIX [Public Key Infrastructure (X.509)] end-entity certificate is valid. | 指定 CA 可以为证书提供担保的约束条件,或指定特定的 PKIX [Public Key Infrastructure (X.509)] end-entity 证书有效的约束条件。
  • Specify that a service certificate or a CA can be directly authenticated in the DNS itself. | 指定可以直接在 DNS 中认证的 service certificate 或者 CA。

  • format of TLSA as it is transmitted to a requesting entity
  • Certificate Usage:
    • define four different usage models, to accommodate users who require different forms of authentication
    • PKIX-TA (CA constraint): Specifies which CA should be trusted to authenticate the certificate for the service
    • PKIX-EE (service certificate constraint): Defines which specific end entity service certificate should be trusted for the service
    • DANE-TA (trust anchor assertion): Specifies a domain-operated CA to be used as a trust anchor
    • DANE-EE (domain-issued certificate): Specifies a domain-operated CA to be used as a trust anchor
  • Selector
    • indicate whether the full certificate will be matched or just the value of the public key
  • Matching Type
    • indicate how the match of the certificate is made: exact match, SHA-256 hash match, or SHA-512 hash match
  • Certificate Association Data
    • represent the raw certificate data in hex format


DANE (DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities)

  • Targeted vulnerabilities:
    • attackers can strip away the TLS capability advertisement and downgrade the connection to not use TLS;
    • TLS connections are often unauthenticated (e.g., the use of self-signed certificates as well as mismatched certificates is common)
  • A domain can use the presence of TLSA as an indicator that encryption must be performed, thus preventing malicious downgrade
  • A domain can authenticate the certificate used in the TLS connection setup using a DNSSEC-signed TLSA


  • Introduce a SMIMEA DNS record to associate certificates with DNS domain names
  • Help MUAs to deal with domain names as specified in email addresses in the message body (rather than domain names specified in the outer SMTP envelope – purpose of TLSA)


SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

  • ADMDs (Administrative Management Domains) publish SPF records in DNS specifying which hosts/IP-addresses are permitted to use their names;
  • receivers use the published SPF records to test the authorization of sending Mail Transfer Agents (MTAs) using a given “HELO” or “MAIL FROM” identity during a mail transaction;

An SMTP client, after receiving the greeting message, will normally send an HELO or EHLO command: where the domain given is the fully qualified name (host+domain) of the sending client.


  • sign email message by a private key of the administrative domain from which the email originates;
  • at the receiving end, the MDA can access the corresponding public key via a DNS and verify the signature, thus authenticating that the message comes from the claimed administrative domain

MDA (Mail Delivery Agent)

  • SPF lets receiving servers know the sending sources permitted to send email messages on your domain’s behalf.
  • DKIM tells receiving servers that incoming messages purporting to come from your domain/organization must have a digital signature that matches the public key in your DKIM record.
  • Difference from S/MIME and PGP:
    • S/MIME and PGP use the sender’s private key to sign the content of the message;
    • DKIM uses the private key of the domain where the sender locates;

What if Email is exploited?👀

  • SPam
  • Phishing
  • Malware