
Anonymous Communication👀

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对于 Internet 中交流的双方 ip1 和 ip2, 如果有一个 attacker snooping on the communication, 尽管它可能不知道两个用户的身份,也无法知道他们被加密的通信内容。但它起码可以使用他们的 ip

Because, for users to communicate via internet, their devices assigned with IP addresses, which are usually fixed within a communication session or more;

This can be used to infer critical privacy of users

Communication anonymity & privacy:
  • who is communicating?
  • who are you talking to?
  • what type of activities?
  • what type of information?

1) Why wanted?

  • Unmonitored access to health and medical information
  • Preservation of democracy: anonymous election/jury
  • Censorship circumvention: anonymous access to otherwise restricted information

Misbehaviors without getting caught: Terrorism, Darknet, Spam, Pirate…

2) how to?

通过加密(如 HTTPS)可以保护访问的内容;

But even if we don’t know what you communicated, knowing with whom you communicated leaks a lot of information as well

Thus, we can hide destination address

But here comes another question:

  • According to routing, need to specify the ip address of destination to ensure packets being directed toward it,
  • Then how to deliver packets to destination? \(\rightarrow\) RELAY!
  • Relay (中继) 常指一种网络设备或服务,可以用于 转发 数据包或信息, 以帮助连接不同的子网或网络。
  • 中继可以帮助解决网络通信中的距离限制和协议转换问题,进而扩大网络的覆盖范围和功能。
  • 中继可以分为物理中继和逻辑中继两种类型。
    • 物理中继是指一种网络设备或链路,它用于将数据包从一个物理网络转发到另一个物理网络。比如,网络交换机、路由器、网关等设备。
    • 逻辑中继是指一种软件或服务,它用于将数据包从一个逻辑网络转发到另一个逻辑网络。比如,代理服务器、VPN 网关、DNS 中继等服务。

Here comes Overlay Communication

Overlay Communication👀

Overlay Communication

  • Overlay Communication(覆盖通信)是一种在网络中添加虚拟网络层的技术,用于改进网络性能和扩展网络功能。
  • 通过覆盖通信,可以在现有的网络架构上增加一个虚拟的网络层,这个虚拟层与底层网络相互独立,可以实现更高效、更安全和更灵活的通信方式。​

其中 ip3 是一个 relay node

Overlay Network👀

覆盖通信的主要思想是,在应用层和传输层之间添加一个 中间层,这个中间层可以通过使用不同的协议、路由和拓扑结构来优化网络通信。


Threat Model

这里定义攻击模型:Insider Byzantine Attacker

  • Insider 表示攻击者本身是网络的一部分(ASes, 攻击者可能控制不止一个 ASes)但攻击者没有能力知道整个网络 (limited view of network)
  • Byzantine 表示一种攻击模式,攻击者的的攻击行为是不稳定的(长期、一致的攻击会容易被发现,因此攻击者采取间断式的、不同方式的攻击,就比较难被检测到了)

攻击者的目标是:在目的 IP 信息隐藏在数据包中的情况下,得知数据包的最终目的地。


  1. Traceforward Attack
    • passive attacker
    • traces messages from sender, thwarts receiver anonymity
    • 被动攻击者跟踪数据包信息
  2. Marking Attack
    • active attacker
    • marks messages, discovers marked msg elsewhere
    • 攻击者比较厉害,可以改经过它的数据包,那可以加个标记,然后在其他地方发现就知道是发过来了

Anonyminzing Proxy👀

  • intermediary between sender & receiver
  • Sender relays all traffic through proxy
  • Encrypt destination and payload
  • Asymmetric technique: receiver not involved (or informed of) anonymity

k: shared key of sender and proxy

  1. 如果攻击者在 sender 和 proxy 之间监听,那么 sender 丧失了匿名性
  2. 如果攻击者在 proxy 和 receiver 之间监听,那么 receiver 丧失了匿名性
  3. 如果有两个攻击者,一个在 sender 和 proxy 之间,一个在 proxy 和 receiver 之间,两者串通比对 ingress 和 egress 的流量,则 sender 和 receiver 都丧失了匿名性
  4. 如果 proxy 本身是恶意的,那么 sender 和 receiver 都丧失了匿名性

what if receiver is attacker👀



  • Advantages:
    • Easy to configure
    • Require no active participation of receiver, which need not be aware of anonymity service
    • Have been widely deployed on Internet
  • Disadvantages:
    • Require trusted third party proxy may release logs, or sell them, or blackmail sender
    • Anonymity largely depends on the (likely unknown) location of attacker

How to evade attackers?👀

dynamic proxy location

Here comes Crowds Algorithm

  • Basic idea: get lost in a crowd
  • Jump from one crowd to another
  • Members of a crowd called Jondos
  • Algorithm:
    • Relay message to random jondo
    • With probability p, jondo forwards message to another jondo
    • With probability 1-p, jondo delivers message to its intended destination

How to evade untrusted proxies?👀

proxy ++

多弄一些 proxy, 用于混淆攻击者的视线

Its hard for an attacker to simultaneously control too many proxies

Other methods:

Source Routing👀


  • specify on-path routers by source
  • allows a sender of a packet to partially or completely specify the route the packet takes through the network.
  • In contrast, in conventional routing, routers in the network determine the path incrementally based on the packet’s destination

Source Routing / Path Addressing 允许发送者指定一个包的部分或者全部路由​


POF-based Source Routing👀

POF: Protocol Oblivious Forwarding

传统的网络协议中,router 需要根据特定的协议来解析数据包的头部,然后根据协议的规则来转发数据包。而 POF 采用了新的转发机制(从数据包的源头开始指定全部或部分路由),即不需要了解任何特定协议,只需要根据指定路径进行转发。

匿名性问题:泄漏了 port sequence

隐藏非 neighbor 的 port sequence

为了隐藏非 neighbor 的 port sequence, 可以使用 Onion Routing

Onion Routing👀

Use onion router called Tor


  • 类似于洋葱一样,加密数据通过一系列 “Tor node” 路由器节点传输,每个节点只能解密一层,然后将数据传递给下一个节点。
  • 当最后一个节点解密数据时,它将数据传递给目标地址,这样就实现了端到端的匿名通信。
  • 由此,sender 保持了匿名性, receiver 也保持了匿名性。每个中继节点只知道紧邻的节点
source-routing based anonymous overlay communication
  1. 向 directory node 获取节点列表,随机选择节点形成一条 chain
  2. 从 directory node 获取公钥,与 A (Tor entry) 协商密钥;
    1. A 与下一节点 B 协商密钥
    2. 最后节点 (假如是 C) 与目标地址 (D) 协商密钥,建立整条链的连接
  3. 发送 \(\{\{\{\{\text{msg}\}_D ~, D\}_C ~, C\}_B ~, B\}_A\), 这样逐层解密才能发送到目标地址
  4. reply 的时候使用同一条反向即可

解密出的数据除了信息外,还包括要 forward 的下一跳地址

application: Darknet
  • Portions of the Internet purposefully not open to public view or hidden networks whose architecture is superimposed on that of Internet.
  • Install Tor
  • Access darknet.onion through it

how to deanonymize?👀


  1. tor nodes 互相串通
  2. 强行破解密钥
  3. Passive monitoring
  4. Active attraction:
    • deploy a Tor router;
    • attract Tor traffic;
    • perform traffic analysis and correlation;

Path Selection Attack👀

  • Tor path selection algorithm:
    • weight nodes by selfreported bandwidth; | 通过自报带宽来对节点加权
    • select each node using weighted | 使用权重选择每个节点
    • probability distribution; | 概率分布
  • Attack:
    • malicious relay reports very high bw to increase selection probability; | 恶意中继节点虚报非常高的带宽以增加被选中概率
    • if it controls the first hop, de-sender; | 如果控制了第一个 hop, 则 sender 丧失匿名性
    • if it controls the last hop, de-receiver; | 如果控制了最后一个 hop, 则 receiver 丧失匿名性

Counting Attack👀

  • Correlate incoming and outgoing flows by counting the number of packets | 通过计算数据包的数量来对入站和出站流量进行关联

在检测时间段,有可能有之前停留在其中的 packert, 所以 dest 会多一些也可能有些正在 process, 所以 dest 会少一些

  • 一种抵御策略是:将流量较小的进行扩大,将流量较大的进行缩小,使得流量差异变小
  • 但攻击者仍然可以通过采样包之间的时间间隔来进行分析

Low Latency Attack👀

  • Tor router assigns each anonymous circuit its own queue | Tor 路由器为每个匿名电路分配一个队列
  • Dequeue one packet from each queue in round-robin fashion | 以轮询方式从每个队列中出队一个数据包


Attack Example

  • A 要攻击 Init, intends to infer Init’s activity
  • 假设只有 Init 和 A 一起在占用 T2
  • 那么 A 循环给 T2 发包并测试延迟,如果延迟变大,则说明 Init Traffic,即 Init 在活动

Cross Site Attack👀


  • Deploy Tor routers
  • Access darknet
  • Crawl transaction information
  • Extract Bitcoin accounts of interest


  • Search the accounts on public websites