Class Design👀
约 580 个字 预计阅读时间 2 分钟
Designing classes
How to write classes in a way taht they are easily understandable, maintainable, and reusable
Software changes👀
- Software is not like a novel that is written once and then remains unchanged
Software is extended, corrected, maintained, ported, adapted …
There are only two options for software
- It is dead
- It is changing
- Software that cannot be maintained will be thrown away
Code quality👀
- Two important concepts for quality of code:
- Coupling
- Cohesion
Coupling | 耦合👀
- Coupling refers to links between separate units of a program
- If two classes depend closely on many details of each other, they are said to be tightly coupled
- We aim for loosely coupled
Loose coupling
Loose coupling makes it possible to:
* understand one class without reading others
* change one class without affecting others
* Thus: improve maintainability
tech. to achieve loose coupling
- call-back — 发消息定义一个接口,另一方可以通过这个接口注册一个回调函数,当发消息时调用其回调函数从而通知自己这件事情发生了
- message mechanism — 实现中央消息机制,把事情发给中央,中央再发布给注册者
Cohesion | 内聚👀
- Cohesion refers to the number and diversity of tasks that diversity of tasks that a single unit is responsible for
- If each unit is responsible for one single logical task, we say it has high cohesion
- Cohesion applies to classes and methods
- We aim for high cohesion
High cohesion
High cohesion makes it easier to:
* understand a class or method
* use descriptive names
* reuse classes or methods
Code duplication | 代码重复
- is an indicator of bad design
- makes maintenance harder
- can lead to introduction of errors during maintenance
Responsibility-driven design | 责任驱动设计👀
- Question: where should we add a new method(which class)?
- Each class should be responsible for manipulating its own data
- The class that owns the data should be responsible for processing it
- RDD leads to low coupling and high cohesion
Localizing changes | 局部化变化👀
- One aim of reducing coupling and responsibility-driven design is to localize changes
- When a change is needed, as few classes as possible should be affected
可扩展性(extensibility) — 代码不需要修改(or 很少的修改)就可以满足未来的需求
Refactoring | 重构👀
Code refactoring 是什么
- Advantages:
- 提高代码质量
- 优化软件产品架构与性能
- 减少项目的技术债,避免项目重写
- Disadvantages:
- 增加工作负担
- 可能出现一些业务上的漏洞
- 可能代码过于精炼导致代码可读性变差
重构 != 重写