
Smart Pointers | 智能指针👀

约 363 个字 90 行代码 预计阅读时间 2 分钟


  • Templates, Inheritance, Reference Counting 合起来实现 Smart Pointers
  • Reference Counting 是有多少个指针指向这个对象,如果没有指针指向这个对象,就 delete 这个对象
Smart Pointer 的来源

C++ Strategies and Tactics, Robert B. Murray, 1993


  • Introduce the code for maintaining reference counts
    • A reference count is a count of the number of times an object is shared
    • Pointer manipulations have to maintain the count
  • Class UCObject(Use-counted object) holds the count
  • UCPointer is a smart pointer to a UCObject
    • A smart pointer is an object defined by a class
    • Implemented using a template
    • Overloads operator-> and unary operator*

Reference counting👀

  • Each shared object has a counter
  • Initial value is 0
  • Whenever a pointer is assigned p = q

    • Have to do the following
    p->decrement(); // p's count will decrease 
    p = q;
    q->increment(); // q's count will increase


#include "UCObject.hpp"
#include <cstring>
class StringRep:public UCObject
    StringRep(const char *s)
            int len = strlen(s) + 1;
            m_pChars = new char(len);
            strcpy(m_pChars, s);
            m_pChars = new char[1];
            *m_pChars = '\0';
        delete[] m_pChars;  // 引用计数是父类要做的事情
    StringRep(const StringRep &sr)
        int len sr.length();
        m_pChars = new char[len + 1];
        strcpy(m_pChars, sr.m_pChars);
    int length() const
        return strlen(m_pChars);
    int equal(const StringRep &sp) const
        return (strcmp(m_pChars, sp.m_pChars) == 0);
    char *m_pChars;
    // reference semantics -- no assignment op!
    void operator=(const StringRep &){} // 不允许直接赋值,因也没有赋值的必要


#include "UCPointer.hpp"
#include "StringRep.hpp"
class String
    String(const char *s) : m_rep(0)
        m_rep = new StringRep(s);
    String(const String &s) : m_rep(s.m_rep) {}
    String &operator=(const String &s)
        m_rep = s.m_rep;    // let smart pointer do work!
        return *this;
    int operator==(const String &s) const
        // overload -> forwards to StringRep
        return m_rep->equal(*(s.m_rep));    // smart ptr *
    String operator+(const String &s) const;
    int length() const
        return m_rep->length();
    operator const char *() const;
    UCPointer<StringRep> m_rep; // m_rep 表面是是一个对象,语义上是一个指针
  • m_rep = new StringRep(s);m_rep 的类型是 UCPointer, new 的类型是 StringRep * 不能直接赋值,会调用 UCPointer 中的构造函数把 StringRep * 转换成 UCPointer
UCPointer(T *r = 0) : m_pObj(r)
上述过程中的 reference count
  • m_rep = new StringRep(s); 赋值发生前 reference count 就已经 +1,整个赋值完成后 reference count = 2
  • 这和我们的预期不符,我们希望 reference count = 1
  • 其实在 m_rep = new StringRep(s); 因为类型的不同需要使用临时对象构造 UCPointer 再赋值给 m_rep
  • 所以在赋值完成后会把这个临时对象析构,reference count -= 1 -> reference count = 1

* UCPointer maintains reference counts
* UCObject hides the details of the count String is very clean
* StringRep deals only with string storage and manipulation
* UCObject and UCPointer are reusable
* Objects with cycles of UCPointer will never be deleted

Other smart pointers
  • Standard library holder for raw pointers on stack
  • Releases resource when destroyed (latest)
template <class X> std::auto_ptr
    explicit auto_ptr(X* = 0) throw();
    auto_ptr(auto_ptr&) throw();
    auto_ptr& operator=(auto_ptr&) throw();
    X& operator*() const throw();
    X* operator->() const throw();