Exceptions | 异常👀
约 357 个字 162 行代码 预计阅读时间 3 分钟
T &operator[](int i);
- Return random memory object —
return elem[i];
Return a special error value
if(i < 0 || i >= size()) { // WRONG - T 不一定有这种构造函数,且原本就可能有这样正常的内容 T *error_marker = new T("some magic value"); return *error_marker; } return elem[i];
- But this throws the baby out with the bath!
x = v[2] + v[4]; //Not safe code
Just die!
Die gracefully (with autopsy)
- Return random memory object —
- When to use exceptions?
- Many times, you don’t know what should be done
- Solution: turf the problem to the caller | 将问题向上报
- Make caller responsible for handling the problem
| 抛出异常👀
How to raise an exception —
What do you throw?
- What do you have? ← Data
- Define a class to represent the error
How to raise it?
What about your caller
Case 1) Don’t care — Code never even suspects a problem
Case 2) Care deeply
Case 3) Mildly interested
Case 4) Doesn’t care about the particulars (
means “catch All exceptions” )
- Throw statement raises the exception
- Control propagates back to first handler for that exception
- Propagation follows the call chain
- Objects on stack are properly destroyed
throw exp
;- throws value for matching
;- reraises the exception being handled
- valid only within a handler
Exception Handlers👀
Try block
try { // code that might throw an exception } catch ... { // code that handles the exception } catch ... { // code that handles the exception }
- Establishes any number of handlers
- Not needed if you don’t use any handlers
- Shows where you expect to handle exceptions
- Costs cycles
Exception handlers
- Select exception by type
- Can re-raise exception
- Two forms
catch (Type)
catch (...)
- Take a single argument (like a formal parameter)
Selecting a handler
- Can have any number of handlers
- Handlers are checked in order of appearance
1. Check for exact match
2. Apply base class conversions (Reference and pointer types, only)
3. Ellipses(…) matches any exception
Inheritance can be used to structure exceptions
using inheritance
- Hierachy of exception types
Exception and new
- new does NOT return 0 on failure
- new raises a bad_alloc exception on failure
Exception specifications
- Declare which exceptions a function might throw
- Part of function prototypes
- Not checked at compile time
- At run time, if an exception not in the list propagates out, the
exception is raised
Failure in Ctors & Dtors👀
Failure in Ctors👀
- No return value is possible
- Use an “uninitialized” flag
- Defer work to an Init() function
Better to throw an exception
If a constructor can’t complete, throw an exception
- Dtors for objects whose ctor didn’t complete won’t be called
- Clean up allocated resources before throwing
Suggest - Two stages construction
- Do normal work in ctor
- Initialize all member objects
- Initialize all primitive members
- Initialize all pointers to 0
- NEVER request any resources
- File / Network connection / Memory
- Do additional work in Init() function
- Request resources
- Do any other work that might fail
Failure in Dtors👀
Destructors are called when:
- Normal call: object exists from scope
During exceptions: stack unwinding invokes dtors on objects as scope is existed
Throwing an exception in a dtor that is itself being called as the result of an exception will invoke
- Allowing exceptions to escape from dtors should be avoided
exceptions by reference or pointercatch(BUG *e)
— we needdelete e
in the handlercatch(BUG &e)
— we need care when to destructe