
Exceptions | 异常👀

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template <class T>
class Vector
    T *elem;
    int sz;
    Vector(int s = 0) : sz(s) ... 
    ~Vector() { delete[] elem; }
    T &operator[](int i);
    int size() const { return sz; }
  • T &operator[](int i); 是可能发生越界的,如何处理:
  • Choice:

    1. Return random memory object — return elem[i];
    2. Return a special error value

      if(i < 0 || i >= size())
          // WRONG - T 不一定有这种构造函数,且原本就可能有这样正常的内容
          T *error_marker = new T("some magic value");
          return *error_marker;
      return elem[i];
      • But this throws the baby out with the bath!
      • x = v[2] + v[4]; //Not safe code
    3. Just die!

      if(i < 0 || i >= size())
      return elem[i];
    4. Die gracefully (with autopsy)

      assert(i >= 0 && i < size());
      return elem[i];
      • assert 做接口检查,在调用函数时会检查传入参数是否合法,若不合法则直接退出程序
  • When to use exceptions?
    • Many times, you don’t know what should be done
    • Solution: turf the problem to the caller | 将问题向上报
      • Make caller responsible for handling the problem

throw | 抛出异常👀

  • How to raise an exception — throw

    template <class T>
    T &Vector<T>::operator[](int i)
        if(i < 0 || i >= size())
            // throw is a keyword
            // exception is raised at this point
            throw << something >>
        return elem[i];
  • What do you throw?

    • What do you have? ← Data
    • Define a class to represent the error
    class VectorIndexError
        VectorIndexError(int i) : m_badValue(i) {}
        ~VectorIndexError() {}
        void diagnostic() 
            cerr << "index " << m_badValue << " is out of range" << endl;
        int m_badValue;
  • How to raise it?

    template <class T>
    T &Vector<T>::operator[](int i)
        if(i < 0 || i >= size())
            // VectorIndexError e(i);
            // throw e;
            throw VectorIndexError(i);
        return elem[i];
  • What about your caller

    1. Case 1) Don’t care — Code never even suspects a problem

      int func()
          Vector<int> v(12);
          v[3] = 5;
          int i = v[42];  // Out of range
          // Control never gets here
          return i;
    2. Case 2) Care deeply

      void outer()
              func(); // func() throws an exception
              func2();// won't be called
          catch(VectorIndexError &e)
              //This exception does not propagate
          cout << "Control is here after exception";
    3. Case 3) Mildly interested

      void outer()
          string err("exception caught");
              func(); // func() throws an exception
              cout << err;
              throw;  // propagate the exception
    4. Case 4) Doesn’t care about the particulars ( ... means “catch All exceptions” )

      void outer()
              func(); // func() throws an exception
              // ... catches ALL exceptions!!
              cout << "exception caught";
  • Throw statement raises the exception
    • Control propagates back to first handler for that exception
    • Propagation follows the call chain
    • Objects on stack are properly destroyed
  • throw exp;
    • throws value for matching
  • throw;
    • reraises the exception being handled
    • valid only within a handler

Exception Handlers👀

  • Try block

        // code that might throw an exception
    catch ...
        // code that handles the exception
    catch ...
        // code that handles the exception
    • Establishes any number of handlers
    • Not needed if you don’t use any handlers
    • Shows where you expect to handle exceptions
    • Costs cycles
  • Exception handlers

    • Select exception by type
    • Can re-raise exception
    • Two forms
      • catch (Type)
      • catch (...)
    • Take a single argument (like a formal parameter)
  • Selecting a handler

    • Can have any number of handlers
    • Handlers are checked in order of appearance
      1. Check for exact match
      2. Apply base class conversions (Reference and pointer types, only)
      3. Ellipses(…) matches any exception
  • Inheritance can be used to structure exceptions

    using inheritance
    • Hierachy of exception types
    class MathErr
        virtual void diagnostic();
    class OverflowErr : public MathErr { ... }
    class UnderflowErr : public MathErr { ... }
    class ZeroDivideErr : public MathErr { ... }
        // code to exercise math options
        throw UnderflowErr();
    catch(ZeroDivideErr &e)
        // handle divide by zero
    catch(MathErr &e)
        // handle other math errors
        // handle all other exceptions
    • 异常应由窄到宽进行处理,即先处理子类异常,再处理父类异常,最后处理所有异常
  • Exception and new

    • new does NOT return 0 on failure
    • new raises a bad_alloc exception on failure
    void func()
                char *p = new char[10000000];
        catch(bad_alloc &e)
            cerr << "out of memory" << endl;

  • Exception specifications

    • Declare which exceptions a function might throw
    • Part of function prototypes
    void func() throw (OverflowErr)
    • Not checked at compile time
    • At run time, if an exception not in the list propagates out, the unexpected exception is raised

Failure in Ctors & Dtors👀

Failure in Ctors👀

  • No return value is possible
  • Use an “uninitialized” flag
  • Defer work to an Init() function
  • Better to throw an exception

  • If a constructor can’t complete, throw an exception

    • Dtors for objects whose ctor didn’t complete won’t be called
    • Clean up allocated resources before throwing
Suggest - Two stages construction
  • Do normal work in ctor
    • Initialize all member objects
    • Initialize all primitive members
    • Initialize all pointers to 0
    • NEVER request any resources
      • File / Network connection / Memory
  • Do additional work in Init() function
    • Request resources
    • Do any other work that might fail

Failure in Dtors👀

Destructors are called when:

  • Normal call: object exists from scope
  • During exceptions: stack unwinding invokes dtors on objects as scope is existed

  • Throwing an exception in a dtor that is itself being called as the result of an exception will invoke std::terminate()

    • Allowing exceptions to escape from dtors should be avoided
  • catch exceptions by reference or pointer
  • catch(BUG *e) — we need delete e in the handler
  • catch(BUG &e) — we need care when to destruct e