
Templates | 模板👀

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Why templates
  • Suppose you need a list of X and a list of Y
    • The lists would use similar code
    • They differ by the type stored in the list
  • Choices
    • Require common base class
      • May not be desirable
    • CLone code
      • preserves type-safety
      • hard to manage
    • Untyped lists
      • type unsafe
  • Final choice: templates
    • Reuse source code
      • generic programming | 泛型编程
      • use types as parameters in class or function definitions
    • Function Template | 函数模板(制造函数)
      • Example: sort function
    • Class Template | 类模板(制造类)
      • Example: container such as stack, list, queue…
        • Stack operations are independent of the type of items in the stack
      • template member functions

Function Templates👀

  • Perform similar operations on different types of data
  • Swap function for two int arguments:
void swap(int& a, int& b) 
    int temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;
  • What if we want to swap floats, strings, Currency …? (We need to rewrite the function for each type)
  • But we can use a template!!!
swap function template
template <class T>  // 说明下面的东西是个模板
void swap(T& a, T& b) 
    T temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;
  • The template keyword introduces the template
  • The class T specifies a parameterized type name
    • class means any built-in type or user-defined type
  • Inside the template, use T as a type name
  • Template Instantiation – Generating a declaration from a template class/function and template arguments:

    • Types are substituted into template
    • New body of function or class definition is created
      • syntax errors, type checking
    • Specialization - a version of template for a particular argument(s)
  • Interactions

    • Only exact match on types is used
    • No conversion operations are applied
    swap(int, int); // OK
    swap(double, double); // OK
    swap(int, double); // Error
    • Implicit conversions are ignored
    • Template functions and regular functions coexist
  • Overloading rules

    • Check first for unique function match
    • Then check for unique function template
    • Then do overloading on functions
    void f(float i, float k);
    template <class T> 
    void f(T i, T k);
    f(1.0, 2.0);    // 模板
    f(1, 2);        // 模板
    f(1.2, 0);      // 两个类型不同,转成 float 调用 f(float, float)
  • Function Instantiation

    • The compiler deduces the template type from the actual arguments passed into the function
    • Can be explicit: For example, if the parameter is not in the function signature (older compilers won’t allow this)
    template <class T>
    void f(void) { ... }
    f<int>(); // type T is int    
    • 在函数后面加尖括号,尖括号中的类型表示 T 的类型

Class Templates👀

  • Classes parameterized by type
    • Abstract operations from the types being operated upon
    • Define potentially infinite set of classes
    • Another step towards reuse
  • Typical use: container classes
    • stack<int> — a stack that is parameterized over int
    • list<Currency&>


  • 如果将类模板中函数的声明和定义分开写,则除类前要加 template, 每一个函数定义也要加 template
  • 所有的函数都是 ClassName<T>::funcName() 的形式
template <class T>
class Vector {
    Vector(const Vector&);
    Vector& operator=(const Vector&);
    T& operator[](int);
    int size;
    T* data;
template <class T>
Vector<T>::Vector(int s) : size(s)
    data = new T[s];
template <class T>
T& Vector<T>::operator[](int i) 
    if (i < 0 || i >= size) {
        throw "Index out of range";
        return data[i];
  • Templates can use multiple types

    template <class Key, class Value>
    class HashTable 
        const Value& lookup(const Key&) const;
        void install(const Key&, const Value&);
  • Templates nest — they’re just new types

    • Vector<Vector<double *> >
  • Type arguments can be complicated

    • Vector< int (*)(Vector<double>&, int) > — 一个 Vector 里面是函数指针,指针指向的函数的参数是 Vector<double>&int,返回值是 int
  • Expression parameters

    • Template arguments can be constant expressions
    • Non-Type parameters
      • can have a default argument
    template <class T, int size = 100>
    class Vector 
        T data[size];   // fixed size array
    Usage:Non-type parameters
    • Usage
      • Vector<int, 100> v;
      • Vector<int, 50 * 2> v;
      • Vector<int> v; — uses default size = 100
    • Summary
      • Embedding sizes not necessarily a good idea
      • Can make code faster
      • Makes use more complicated — size argument appears everywhere
      • Can lead to code bloat

Template programming

  • 一个类模板的全部都应该在一个头文件中,而不是声明和定义分开放在两个文件中,否则编译器会链接失败
  • 大多数情况下,类模板的函数都做成 inline
Templates and Inheritance
  • Templates can inherit from non-template classes
class Derived : public Base
  • Templates can inherit from template classes | 当实例化 Derived 时,还需要同步实例化 Base
template <class T>
class Derived : public Base<T>
  • Non-template classes can inherit from template classes
class Derived : public Base<int>