
Copy Ctor & Overloaded Operators | 拷贝构造与重载运算符👀

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Copy Ctor | 拷贝构造👀


For the code below

void f()
    Stash students();

which statement is RIGHT for the line in the function f()?
1. This is a variable definition, while students is an object of Stash, initialized with the default constructor.
2. This is a function prototype, while students is a function returns an object of Stash.
3. This is a function call.
4. This is illegal in C++.

  1. false : 构造对象如果没有参数,不能加括号
  2. true : 函数原型声明是允许在函数内部发生的
  3. false
  4. false
  • Copying

    • Create a new object from an existing one | 在 C 中与传数组不同,函数的参数如果是结构体会在函数内部复制整个结构,而数组是指针 — C++ 也是这样
    // Currency as pass-by-value argument
    void func(Currency c)
        // ...
    Currency cur(10, 50);
    func(cur);  // cur is copied to c
    • 此时 func 中的 c 是 cur 的拷贝,在调用 func 的时候会调用拷贝构造函数

The copy constructor👀

  • Copying is implemented by the copy constructor
  • Has the unique signature ClassName::ClassName(const ClassName &)
    • Call-by-reference is used for the explicit parameter
  • C++ builds a copy ctor for you if you don’t provide one
    • Copies each member variable — Good for numbers, objects(会递归调用对象中的拷贝构造函数), arrays
    • Copies each pointer – 源对象和拷贝构造对象指针相同,指向同一片内存区域
  • 当不需要全盘拷贝 or 对象中有指针,需要自己写 Copy Ctor


// Currency as pass-by-value argument
Currency func(Currency c)
    // ...
Currency cur(10, 50);
Currency cur2 = func(cur);  // cur is copied to c
  • Currency cur2 = func(cur); 并未调用拷贝构造函数
  • 函数返回 int 时,返回值放在寄存器中;返回结构体时,返回值放在栈中。栈的空间是在 caller 的内存空间中
  • cur2 的赋值是在 callee 中完成的
  • When are Copy Ctor called

    • During call by value
    void func(Currency c)
        // ...
    Currency cur(10, 50);
    func(cur);  // cur is copied to c
    • During initialization
    Currency cur(10, 50);
    Currency cur2 = cur;    // cur is copied to cur2
    Currency cur3(cur);     // cur is copied to cur3
    • During function return
    Currency func()
        Currency cur(10, 50);
        return cur;     // cur is copied to the return value
    Currency cur2 = func(); // cur is copied to cur2
  • Constructions vs. Assignment

    • Every object is constructed once -> 赋值的时候不发生拷贝构造
    • Every object should be destroyed once
      • Failure to invoke delete()
      • Invoking delete() more than once
    • Once an object is constructed, it can be the target of many assignment operations
    • 赋值、构造均为 member-wise, 即按照成员变量的顺序进行赋值、构造(bit-wise 是按照内存中的顺序进行全部赋值、构造)

Overloaded Operators | 重载运算符👀

  • Allows user-defined types to act like built in types
  • Another way to make a fucntion call

unary and binary operators can be overloaded

  • + - * / % ^ & | ~
  • = < > += -= *= /= %= ^= &= |=
  • << >> >>= <<= == != <= >= && || ! ++ --
  • , ->* -> () []
  • new new[] delete delete[]

operators that cannot be overloaded

  • . .* :: ?:
  • sizeof typeid
  • static_cast dynamic_cast const_cast reinterpret_cast
  • Restrictions
    • Only existing operators can be overloaded (you can’t create a ** operator for exponentiation)
    • Operators must be overloaded on a class or enumeration type
    • Overloaded operators must
      • Preserve number of operands
      • Preserve precedence

C++ overloaded👀

  • Just a function with an operator name ( Use the opertaor keyword as a prefix to name operator *(···) )
  • Can be a member function
    • Implicit first argument const String String::operator +(const String &that);
    • string a, b; a + b; -> be like a.operator+(b);
  • Can be a global function
    • Both arguments explicit const String operator +(const String &s1, const String &s2);
  • const 是为了防止 a + b = c 这种情况发生

For Member functions👀

  • Implicit first argument
  • Developer must have access to the class definition
  • Members have full access to the all data in the class
  • No type conversion performed on receiver
class Integer
    Integer(int n = 0):i(n) {}
    const Integer operator +(const Integer &that) const
        return Integer(i + that.i);
    int i;
Integer x(1), y(5), z;
z = x + y;  // x.operator+(y)
z = x + 3;  // 此时会把 3 构造成一个 Integer 对象
z = 3 + y;  // 此时不会把 3 变成 Integer 对象,但会尝试把 y 变成 int
  • For binary operators(+, -, *, etc) member functions require one argument
  • For unary operators(++, –, -, !, etc) member functions require no arguments
    • const Interger Interger::operator-() const{ return Integer(-i); }
    • z = -x

For global function👀

const Integer operator+ (const Integer& rhs, const Integer& lhs);
Integer x, y;
x + y; // -> operator+ (x, y)
  • Explicit first argument
  • Developer dose not need special access to classes
  • May need to be a friend
  • Type conversions performed on both arguments


z = x + y;
z = x + 3;
z = 3 + y;
z = 3 + 4;
  • 前三个左右两个变量都会尝试构造成 Integer
  • 最后一个先进行 3 + 4, 随后把结果尝试构造成 Integer
  • Global operators

    • binary operators requires two arguments
    • unary operators require one
    • If you don’t have access to private data members, then the global function must use the public interface or use friend
    class Integer
        friend const Integer operator+ (const Integer& rhs, const Integer& lhs);
    const Integer operator+ (const Integer& rhs, const Integer& lhs)
        return Integer(lhs.i + rhs.i);
Members vs. Free Function
  • Unary operators should be members
  • = () [] -> ->* must be members
  • assignment operators should be members
  • All other binary operators as non-members

Argument Passing & Return Values👀

  • Argument Passing
    • If it is read-only, pass it in as a const reference (except for built-in types)
    • make member functions const that do not modify the class (boolean operators, +, -, etc)
    • for global functions, if the left-hand side changes, pass as a reference (assignment operators)
  • Return Values
    • Select the return type depending on the expected meaning of the operator. For example,
      • For operator+, you need to generate a new object. Return as a const object so the result cannot be modified as an left-value.
      • Logical operators should return bool(or int for older compilers)
  • Pass in an object it you want to store it
  • Pass in a reference or pointer if you want to do something to it
  • Pass in a const reference or pointer if you want to get the values
  • Pass out an object if you create it in the function
  • Pass out a reference or pointer of the passed in only
  • Never new something and return its pointer

The prototypes of operators👀

  • + - * / % ^ & | ~
    • const Integer operator+ (const Integer& rhs, const Integer& lhs);
  • ! && || < > <= >= == !=
    • bool operator< (const Integer& rhs, const Integer& lhs) const;
  • []
    • Must be a member function
    • Single argument
    • Implies that the object it is being called for acts like an array, so it should return a reference
      • Integer v[10]; v[0] = 1;
      • if you return pointer -> you should use *v[0] = 1;
  • ++ --

    • How to distinguish between prefix and postfix?
      • Prefix: const Integer& Integer::operator++();
      • Postfix: const Integer Integer::operator++(int);
    • postfix forms take an int argument – compiler will pass in 0 as that int
    • User-defined prefix is more efficient than postfix
    class Integer
        const Integer& operator++()    // prefix
            *this += 1;     // increment
            return *this;   // fetch
        // int argument not used so leave it unnamed
        // won't get compiler warning
        const Integer operator++(int) // postfix
            Integer old = *this;    // fetch
            ++(*this);              // increment
            return old;             // return old value
        Integer x(1);
        ++x;    // calls x.operator++()
        x++;    // calls x.operator++(0)


  • Defining a stream extractor

    • Has to be a 2-argument global(free) function
    • First argument is an istream&
    • Second argument is a reference to a value
    istream& operator>> (istream& in, T& obj)
        // specfic code to read obj 
        return in;
    • Return an istream& for chaining
    cin >> a >> b >> c;
    ((cin >> a) >> b) >> c;
  • Creating a stream inserter

    • First argument is an ostream&
    • Second argument is any value
    ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, const T& obj)
        // specfic code to write obj 
        return out;
    • Return an ostream& for chaining
    cout << a << b << c;
    ((cout << a) << b) << c;
  • Creating manipulators

    • You can define your own manipulators
    // skeleton for an output stream manipulator
    ostream& manipulator(ostream& out)
        // specific code to manipulate out
        return out;
    ostream& tab(ostream& out)
        return out << '\t';
    cout << "Hello" << tab << "World" << endl;
  • Copying vs. Initialization

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Fi
    Fi() { cout << "Fi()" << endl; }
class Fee
    int i;
    Fee(int) { cout << "Fee(int)" << endl; }
    Fee(const Fi&) { cout << "Fee(Fi)" << endl; }
    Fee& operator=(const Fee& that)
        i = that.i;
        cout << "=()\n";
        return *this;
int main()
    Fee fee = 1;    // Fee(int)
    Fi fi;
    Fee fum = fi;   // Fee(Fi)
    fum = fi;
  • 这种 = 并不安全,因为很可能发生 fum = fum; 的现象
  • 可改写为
T& T::operator=(const T& that)
    // check for self assignment
    if(this != &that)
        // perform assignment
    return *this;
  • Assignment Operator
    • For classes with dynamically allocated memory declare an assignment operator(and a copy constructor)
    • To prevent assignment, explicitly declare operator= as private

Value classes👀


  • Appear to be primitive data types
  • Passed to and returned from functions
  • Have overloaded operators(often)
  • Can be converted to and from others types
  • like: Complex, Date, String
  • User-defined Type conversions

    • A conversion operator can be used to convert an object of one class into an object of another class or a built-in type
    • Compilers perform implicit conversions using:

      • Single-argument constructors
      class PathName
          string name;
          //or could be multi-argument with defaults
          PathName(const string&);
      string abc("abc");
      PathName xyz(abc);  //OK
      • implicit type conversion operators (Preventing implicit conversions)

        class PathName
            string name;
            explicit PathName(const string&);
            ~ PathName();
        string abc("abc");
        PathName xyz(abc);  // OK
        xyz = abc;  // error!
        • New keyword: explicit
        • 用在上述类似的函数前,表示此类构造函数函数只用于构造不用于类型转换
  • 更通用/直接的类型转换方法 — Operator conversion

    • Function will be called automatically
    • Return type is same as function name
    class Rational
        operator double() const;    // Rational to double (double() 可以是其他任何类型的名字)
    Rational::operator double() const
        return numerator_/(double)denominator_;
    Rational r(1, 3);
    double d = 1.3 * r; // r => double

    General form of conversion ops

    • X::operator T()
      • Operator name is any type descriptor
      • No explicit arguments
      • No return type
      • Complier will use it as a type conversion from X to T
  • C++ type conversions

    • Built-in conversions
      • Primitive
        • char -> short -> int -> float -> double (int -> long)
      • Implicit (for any type T)
        • T -> T&; T& -> T; T* -> void*
        • T[] -> T*; T* -> T[]; T -> const T
    • User-defined T -> C

      • if C(T) is a valid constructor call for C
      • if operator C() is defined for T
    • But it’s better to avoid User-defined conversions. Use explicit conversion functions instead. For example:

    • In class Rational instead of the conversion operator, declare a member function double to_double() const;
  • Overloading and type conversion

    • C++ checks each argument for a “best match”
    • Best match means cheapest
      1. Exact match is cost-free
      2. Matches involving built-in conversions
      3. User-defined type conversions
延申 - LValue vs. RValue
  • 可以简单认为能出现在赋值号左边的都是左值:变量本身、引用;*, []运算的结果
  • 只能出现在赋值号右边的都是右值:字面量;表达式
  • 引用只能接受左值 -> 引用是左值的别名
  • 调用函数时的传参相当于参数变量在调用时的初始化


  • int x = 20; 左值
  • int&& rx = x * 2; x*2 的结果是一个右值,rx 延长其生命周期;rx 是右值引用(对右值的引用)-> 相当于把右值先固定下来
  • int y = rx + 2; 因此你可以重用它:42
  • rx = 100; 一旦你初始化一个右值引用变量,该变量就成为了一个左值,可以被赋值
  • int&& rrx1 = x; ERROR:右值引用无法被左值初始化
  • const int&& rrx2 = x ERROR: 右值引用无法被左值初始化


// 接收左值 
void func(int& lref)
    cout << "lvalue ref" << endl;
// 接收右值 -- 为了节省内存,右值引用可以接收右值,而不是拷贝一份
void func(int&& rref)
    cout << "rvalue ref" << endl;
int main()
    int x = 10;
    func(x);    // lvalue ref
    func(10);   // rvalue ref
    return 0;
  • 如果是左值引用,也要先放到一个变量中才能传递
  • 而右值引用不需要有,可以加速运算,减少内存拷贝