
Key Words | 关键字👀

约 1444 个字 278 行代码 预计阅读时间 8 分钟


  • declares a variable to have a constant value
  • Constants are variables
    • Observe scoping rules
    • Declared with “const” type modifier
  • A const in C++ defaults to internal linkage
    • the compiler tries to avoid creating storage for a const – holds the value in its symbol table
    • extern forces storage to be allocated
  • Compile time constants
    • const int bufsize = 1024;
    • value must be initialized
    • unless you make an explict extern declaration: extern const int bufsize;
    • Compiler won’t let you change it
    • Compile time constants are entries in compiler symbol table, not really variables
  • Run-time constants

    • const value can be expolited
    const int size = 10;
    int finalGrade[size];   // ok
    int x;
    cin >> x;
    const int size = x;
    int finalGrade[size];   // error!
  • Aggregates

    • It’s possible to use const for aggregates, but storage will allocated. In these situations, const means “read-only”. However, the value cannot be used at compile time because the compiler is not required to know the contents of the storage at compile time.
  • Pointers and const – a pointer may be const

    • char * const p = "abc";p is a const pointer to char
      • *q = 'c'; – ok
      • q++; – error
    • const char * p = "abc";*p is a const char
      • *p = 'c'; – error
      • 指针可变(指向别人),指针所指向的内存也可变,不能做的是通过这个指针改变指向内存的值
    • char const * p = "abc"; – same as above const char * p = "abc";
    int * ip;
    const int * cip;
    int i;
    ip = &i;    // ok
    cip = &i;   // ok, but can't use cip to change i
    const int ci = 3;
    ip = &ci;   // error, ip is not const but ci is
    cip = &ci;  // ok , both cip and ci is const
  • String Literals

    • char *s = "Hello";
    • s is a pointer initialized to point to a string constant
    • This is actually a const char *s, but compiler accepts it
    • Don’t try to change the character (it is undefined behavior)
    • If you want to change the string, put it in an array – char s[] = "Hello";
  • const object

    • const Currency price(3, 50);
    • 此时,编译器会制止修改 price 中 public 成员变量以及调用 price 中修改成员变量函数的操作
    编译器怎么知道调用了会修改成员变量的函数 (非 inline)
    • 引入新机制 - declare member functions as const
    int Date::set_day(int d) 
        // ... error check d here
        day = d;    // ok, non-const so can modify
    int Date::get_day() const
        day ++;    // ERROR modifies data member
        set_day(1); // ERROR calls non-const function
        return day; // ok, doesn't modify anything
    • 此时若 Date 类的对象为 const,那么该对象不能调用除 const、static 之外的类的成员函数,否则会报错
    • 成员函数声明尾部带有 const,那么只能调用带有 const 的成员函数且无法修改成员函数等
    • Const member function usage
      • Repeat the const keyword in the function declaration and definition if the function is defined outside the class definition
      • int get_day() const; & int Date::get_day() const { ... }
    • Function members that do not modify the object should be declared const
    • const member functions are safe for const objects
    const member functions can be overloaded
    class Date
            int get_day() const { cout << "const" << endl; }
            int get_day() { cout << "non-const" << endl; }
    int main()
        Date a;
        const Date b;
        a.get_day();    // print -> "non-const"
        b.get_day();    // print -> "const"
    • int get_day() const; & int get_day();
    • const is part of the function signature
    • As the code showed right, when coming across member functions with same name and arguments, const object will call const member function, non-const object will call non-const member function
    • get_day() & get_day() const 看起来没有参数,实际有隐藏参数
      • int get_day() -> int get_day(Date *this)
      • int get_day() const -> int get_day(const Date *this)
    • 编译器就可通过 this 来判断
  • Constant in class

    • const object’s member variable (non-const) must be initialized in constructor or initializer list (即你认为这个对象不可改变,但这个对象里面的变量起码要有个值)
    • if the member variable is a const
      • must be initialized in the initializer list
      • or directly initialized in the class definition (for c++11 and later) -> const int a = 1;


Static in C++

  • Two basic meanings
    • Static storage duration
      • allocated once at a fixed address
    • Visibility of a name
      • internal linkage
    • Don’t use except inside functions and classes
class A
    const int a;    
    A() :a(0) 
        cout << "A() called" << endl;

void f()
    cout << "in f()" << endl;
    static A a;
    cout << "out f()" << endl;
int main()
    cout << "in main()" << endl;
    cout << " ------------ " << endl;
    cout << "out main()" << endl;
    return 0;
in main()
in f()
A() called
out f()
in f()
out f()
out main()
  • 只有进入 f 函数时,才会调用 A 的构造函数,且只调用一次 (static 的存储地址不在栈中而在全局中)
  • Static applied to objects

    • Constructor occurs when definition is encountered
      • Constructor is called only once
      • The constructor arguments must be satisfied
    • Destruction take place on exit from the program
      • Compiler assures LIFO order of destruction
    Conditional construction
    void f(int x)
        if(x > 10)
            static X my_X(x,  x * 21);
    • my_X is constructed once, if f() is ever called with x > 10
    • retains its value
    • destroyed only if constructed
    • avoid non-local static dependencies
    • Put static object definitions in a single file in correct order

Static members👀

Can we apply static to members
  • Static means “Hidden” & “Persistent”
  • Hidden: A static member is a member (obey usual access rules)
  • Persistent: Independent of instances
  • 静态成员变量类似静态本地变量,是全局变量,访问限制于类中
  • 静态成员函数是只能访问静态成员变量的函数,不能访问非静态成员变量
  • Static member variables
    • Global to all class member functions
    • Initialized once, at file scope
    • provide a place for this variable and init it in .cpp
    • No static in .cpp
#ifndef _STAT_MEM_
#define _STAT_MEM_
class StatMem{
    int getHeight() { return m_h; }
    void setHeight(int i) { m_h = i; }
    int getWeight() { return m_w; }
    void setWeight(int i) { m_w = i; }

    static int m_h;
    int m_w;
#include "StatMem.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int StatMem::m_h;   // 一个静态的成员变量一定要在对应的 cpp 文件中放一个全局的定义

int main()
    StatMem sm1, sm2;
    int i = 0;
    cout << sizeof(i) << endl;
    cout << "i=" << i << endl;

    cout << sm2.getHeight() << endl;
    cout << sm2.getWeight() << endl;
    cout << &sm1 << '\t' << &(sm1.m_h) << '\t' << &(sm1.m_w) << endl;
    cout << &sm2 << '\t' << &(sm2.m_h) << '\t' << &(sm2.m_w) << endl;
    cout << sizeof(StatMem) << endl;

    return 0;
0x7fffbf7d5e08 0x7fffbf7d5e08 0x10d62f0f8
0x7fffbf7d5e00 0x7fffbf7d5e00 0x10d62f0f8
  • m_h is a static member variable, it is global to all class member functions | 存放在全局而不是栈中,且 sm1sm2 都指向同一个 m_h
  • StatMem 中只有一个 int 的大小,地址相差 8 是因为 64 位的机器一个 word 占 8 个字节
  • Static member functions
    • Global to all class member functions
    • No this pointer
    • Can access only static member variables
    • No static in .cpp
    • Can’t be dynamicallly overriden



  • Expresses a logical grouping of classes, functions, variables, etc.
  • A namespace is a scope just like a class
  • Preferred when only name encapsulation is needed
namespace Math
    double abs(double);
    double sqrt(double);
    int trunc(double);


  • Defining namespaces | 命名空间的定义

    • Place namespace definition in include file:
    // Mylib.h
    namespace Mylib
        void f();
        class X 
            void g(); 
  • Defining namespace functions | 命名空间函数的定义

    • Use normal scoping to implement functions in namespaces
    // Mylib.cpp
    #include "Mylib.h"
    void Mylib::f()
    void Mylib::X::g()
  • Using names from a namespace | 使用命名空间中的名字

    • Use scope resolution to qualify names from a namespace
    • Can be tedious and distracting
    // main.cpp
    #include "Mylib.h"
    int main()
        Mylib::X x;
  • Using-Declarations | 使用声明

    • Introduces a local synonym for name
    • States in one place where a name comes from
    • Eliminates redundant scope qualification
    // main.cpp
    void main()
        // 在 main 函数中使用 using-declaration 只对函数内部有效
        using Mylib::f;
        using Mylib::X;
        X x;
  • Using-Directives | 使用指令

    • Make all names from a namespace available
    • Can be used as a notational convenience
    // main.cpp
    void main()
        using namespace Mylib;
        X x;

More details👀

  • Ambiguities | 歧义

    • Using-directives may create potential ambiguities
    • Using-directives only make the names available
    • Ambiguities arise only when you make calls.
    • Use scope resolution to resolve
    // Mylib.h
    namespace Xlib
        void x();
        void y();
    namespace Ylib
        void y();
        void z();
    // main.cpp
    #include "Mylib.h"
    void main()
        using namespace Xlib;
        using namespace Ylib;
        x(); // OK
        y(); // Ambiguous
        z(); // OK
        Xlib::y(); // OK
  • Namespace aliases | 命名空间别名

    • Namespace names that are too short may clash
    • names that are too long are hard to work with
    • Use aliasing to create workable names
    • Aliasing can be used to version libraries
    namespace supercalifragilistic
        void f();
    namespace short = supercalifragilistic;
  • Namespace composition | 命名空间组合

    • Compose new namespaces using names from other ones
    • Using-declarations can resolve potential clashes
    • Explicitly defined functions take precedence
    #include <iostream>
    namespace first
        void x();
        void y();
    namespace second
        void y();
        void z();
    void first::x()
        std::cout << "first::x()" << std::endl;
    void first::y()
        std::cout << "first::y()" << std::endl;
    void second::y()
        std::cout << "second::y()" << std::endl;
    void second::z()
        std::cout << "second::z()" << std::endl;
    namespace mine
        using namespace first;
        using namespace second;
        using first::y; // resolve clash to first::y()
        void mystuff()
    int main()
        using namespace mine;

extern “C”

extern "C" {
    #include "oldc.h"
  • extern "C" tells the compiler to use C linkage
  • 旧版的 C 语言中没有命名空间,直接 #include "oldc.h" 会导致命名冲突 (链接成汇编,函数名不会加 _
  • 对于新的 C++ 语言,#include "newc.h" 会自动加上 _,所以不会有命名冲突
  • 故在使用旧版 C 语言的头文件时,需要加上 extern "C",告诉编译器使用 C 语言的链接方式
  • Namespace selection | 命名空间选择

    • Compose namespaces by selecting a few features from other namespaces
    • Choose only the names you want rather than all
    • Changes to “orig” declaration become reflected in “mine”
    namespace mine{
        using orig::Cat;    // Use Cat class from orig
        void x();           
        void y();           
  • Namespaces are open | 命名空间是开放的

    • Multiple namespace declarations add to the same namespace

      Namespace can be distributed across multiple files

    // header1.h
    namespace X{
        void f();
    // header2.h
    namespace X{
        void g();   // X now contains f() and g()