
Container | 容器👀

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在 C++ 中,容器是 STL 中的模板提供的

  • STL = Standard Template Library | 标准模板库
  • Part of the ISO Standard C++ Library
  • Data Structures and algorithms for C++
Why use STL
  • Reduce development time
  • Code readability
  • Robustness
  • Portable code
  • Maintainable code
  • Easy
  • Library includes:
    • A Pair class (pairs of anything, int/int, int/char, etc)
    • Containers
      • vector (expandable array)
      • deque (expandable array, expands at both ends)
      • list (double-linked)
      • sets and maps
    • Basic Algorithms (sort, search, etc)
  • All identifiers in library are in std namespace (using namespace std;)
  • The three parts of STL
    • Containers
    • Algorithms
    • Iterators
  • Top 3 data structures
    • map
      • Any key type, any value type
      • sorted
    • vector
      • like c array, but auto-extending
    • list
      • doubly-linked list
  • All Sequential Containers
    • vector: variable array
    • deque: dual-end queue
    • list: double-linked-list
    • forward_list: as it
    • array: as “array”
    • string: char.array

Vector Class👀

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Use namespace so that you can refer to vectors in C++ library
#include <vector>

int main()
    vector<int> x;  //Just declare a vector of ints(no need to worry about size)
    for(int a = 0; a < 1000; a++)
        x.push_back(a); //Add elements
    /* Have a pre-defined iterator for vector class, can use it to print out the items in vector */
    vector<int>::iterator p;    
    for(p = x.begin(); p < x.end(); p++)
        cout << *p << " ";
    return 0;
  • vector<int> x;x 是变量的名字,<int> 表示要在 vector 里面放 int类型的数据
  • ::iterator 表示 vector 中的类 iterator,可以对 vector of int 枚举, 拿出来的每一个都应该是 int
  • begin 会返回一个枚举器,用这个枚举器可以枚举容器中的每一个元素
  • It is able to increase its internal capacity as required: as more items are added, it simply makes enough room for them
  • It keeps its own private count of how many items it is currently storing. Its size method returns the number of objects currently in it
  • In maintains the order of items you insert into it. You can later retrieve them in the same order.

Basic Vector Operations👀

  • Constructors
    • vector<ElementType> c;
    • vector<ElementType> c1(c2); //c1 可以得到 c2 里的所有内容
  • Simple Methods
    • V.size(); //num items
    • V.empty(); //Judge if empty
    • ==, !=, <, >, <=, >= //比较两个 vector 的大小,依次拿对应元素比较
    • V.swap(v2); //swap 两个 vector 的全部内容
  • Iterators
    • I.begin(); //first positiion
    • I.end(); //last position
  • Element access
    • V.at(index)
    • V[index]
    • V.front(); //first item
    • V.back(); //last item
  • Add/Remove/Find
    • V.push_back(e);
    • V.pop_back(e);
    • V.insert(position, e); // position 是一个 iterator,不能使用 1,2,3
    • V.erase(position); // size will change after "erase"
    • V.clear();
    • V.find(first, last, item);
  • Accessing an invalid vector<> element
    • vector<int> v;
    • v[100] = 1; //Whooops!
  • use push_back()
  • Preallocate with constructor
  • Reallocation with reserve()
  • Check capacity()

List Class👀


  • Same basic concepts as vector
    • Constructors
    • Ability to compare lists (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=)
    • Ability to access front and back of list
      • x.front(), x.back()
    • Ability to assign items to a list, remove items
      • x.push_back(item), x.push_front(item)
      • x.pop_back(), x.pop_front()
      • x.remove(item)
Sample List Application
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
    list<string> s;
    list<string>::iterator p;
    for(p = s.begin(); p != s.end(); p++)
        cout << *p << " ";
    cout << endl;
  • Note the termination condition for the for loop: p != s.end()
  • Using invalid iterator
    • list<int> L; list<int>::iterator li;
    • li = L.begin(); L.erase(li);
    • ++li; // WRONG - 此时 li 已经被 erase
  • Use return value of erase to advance
    • li = L.erase(li); //RIGHT
    • 此时 li 指向的是原来的下一个


  • Maps are collections that contain pairs of values.
  • Pairs consist of a key and a value (故声明要指定两个类型)
  • Lookup works by supplying a key, and retrieving a value
  • An example: a telephone book
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;

int main()
    map<string, float> price;
    price["apple"] = 0.75;
  • Inadvertently inserting into map<>
    • if(foo["bob"] == 1) //silently created entry "bob"
  • Use count() to check for a key without creating a new entry
    • if(foo.count("bob"))


use list as example list<int> L;

  • Declaring
    • list<int>::iterator li;
  • Front of container
    • li = L.begin();
  • Past the end
    • li = L.end();
  • Can increment
    • li = L.begin();
    • ++li; // second item
  • Can be dereferenced
    • *li = 10;

Self-defined classes in STL Containers👀

  • Might need:
    • Assignment Operator -> operator=()
    • Default Constructor
  • For sorted types, like map<>
    • Need less-than operator -> operator<()
      • Some types have this by default (int, char, string)
      • Some do not (char *)
class Student{
    int x;
    Student(int k) : x(k) {}
int main()
    vector<Student>  ss;   
    vector<Student&> sl;   
    vector<Student*> sp;    
  • vector<Student*> sp; 表示 vector 中存的是指针

Other data structures👀

  • set, multiset, multimap
  • queue, priority_queue
  • stack, deque
  • slist, bitset, valarray