
Step in Object-Oriented👀

约 945 个字 161 行代码 预计阅读时间 5 分钟

Objects = Attributes + Services

  • 首先将 struct 改为 class (struct 是指内部成员统统对外开放的, class 是默认外部不可访问的)

对外与对内相对应,对内指可以在 struct 中或者成员函数中使用

class Point{   
    float x;
    float y;
    void init(int ix, int iy)
        x = ix;
        y = iy;
    void print()
        cout << x << " , " << y << endl;
    void move(int dx, int dy);
} ;

void Point::move(int dx, int dy)       //struct 中不带 body ,所以需要另给出 body
    x += dx;
    y += dy;

int main()
    Point a, b;
    a.init(1, 1);
    b.init(1, 1);
    a.x = b.x = 1;  // --+
    a.y = b.y = 1;  // --+-- Error: 不可访问
    a.move(2, 2);


  • Guaranteed initialization with the constructor
    • If a class has a constructor, the compiler automatically calls that constructor at the point an object is created, before client programmers can get their hands on the object.
    • The name of the constructor is the same as the name of the class
    • class 中的构造函数,函数名和类的名字一致 (无返回类型)
  • Constructors with arguments

    • The constructor can have arguments to allow you to specify how an object is created, give it initialization values, and so on.
    • 当同名成员函数存在参数时,用类构造对象的时候要主动给出相应的值, 如 Point a(1, 1);
    • Point *p = new Point(5, 6); ——> new 做了两件事
      1. 申请空间
      2. 调用 Point 的构造函数,把 5 和 6 传递给构造函数 (但构造函数执行的时候这个对象已经存在了,构造函数做的事情是初始化)


    class Point{
        float x;
        float y;
        Point(int x, int y);    //名字和类的名字一样,且无返回类型
        void print();
        void move(int dx, int dy);
    Point::Point(int x, int y)
        this->x = x;
        this->y = y;
    void Point::print()
    void Point::move(int dx, int dy)
    int main()
        Point a(1, 2), b(3, 4);
  • 函数的重载 —— 在 class 中有多个同名的成员函数 (但需要保证参数表不同)

    class Point{
        float x;
        float y;
        Point(int deep);
        Point(int x, int y);
        void print();
        void move(int dx, int dy);
    Point::Point(int deep)
        x = y = deep;
    int main()
        Point c(10); //会调用参数为 deep 的成员函数
    • Point c(10); 等价于 Point c=10; (单个赋值都可以用圆括号或等号)
    • 由于存在构造函数,此时 (即使 float x 和 float y 都是 public) 不再支持 结构那样的方式初始化 (Point a = {1, 1};)
  • The default constructor

    • A default constructor is one that can be called with no arguments
    • 指的是写了一个构造函数,这个构造函数没有参数
    • 如果未给出构造函数,编译器会给出一个什么都不做的构造函数来通过编译
    struct Y{
        float f;
        int i;
        Y(int a);
    • 此时:
      • Y y1[] = {Y(1), Y(2), Y(3)};
      • Y y2[2] = {Y(1)}; × (Y 有构造函数且不是默认构造函数, 如代码需要给出两个构造函数)
      • Y y3[7]; × (同理,有默认构造函数才可以这么写)

The destructor👀

  • In C++, cleanuo is as important as initialization and is therefore guaranteed with the destructor
  • The destructor is named after the name of the class with a leading tidle (~). The destructor never has any arguments.

    • The destructor is called automatically by the compiler when the objects goes out of scope.
    • The only evidence for a destructor call is the closing brace of the scope that surrounds the object.
    • 如下,析构函数 ~Y(); 会在对象的空间被回收之前被自动调用.
    class Y{

    class Point{
        float x;
        float y;
        Point(int deep);
        Point(int x, int y);
        Point(){x = 31, y = 17;}
            cout << "~";
        void print();
    int main()
        Point a(1, 2), b(3, 4);
        Point *p = new Point(5, 6);
        Point c(10);
        Point d;
        delete p;

    $ ./a.out
    ~5,6    # 对应 p
    ~31,17  # 对应 d
    ~10,10  # 对应 c
    ~3,4    # 对应 b
    ~1,2    # 对应 a

    • 因为所有变量定义在 main 中,当发生到 delete 时本地变量生存期结束,即所有变量都要析构 (析构的顺序时构造的逆序)
    • 如果 main 中修改如下

    int main()
        Point a(1, 2), b(3, 4);
        Point *p = new Point(5, 6);
            Point c(10);
        Point d;
        delete p;

    $ ./a.out
    ~10,10  # 对应 c
    ~5,6    # 对应 p
    ~31,17  # 对应 d
    ~3,4    # 对应 b
    ~1,2    # 对应 a

    • 因为 c 出了括号就结束了,所以先被析构
Global objects
  • Consider
#include "X.h"
X global_x1(1, 2);
X global_x2(3, 4);
  • Constructors are called before entering main()
    • Order controlled by appearance in file
    • In this case, global_x1 before global_x2
    • main() is no longer the first function called
  • Destructors called when
    • main() exits
    • exit() is called

Storage allocation👀

  • The compiler allocates all the storage for a scope at the opening brace of that scope
  • The constructor call doesn’t happen until the sequence point where the object is defined


Initializer list👀


class Point{
    const float x, y;
    Point(float xa = 0.0, float ya = 0.0): x(xa), y(ya){}

Point(float xa = 0.0, float ya = 0.0): x(xa), y(ya){}: x(xa), y(ya) 即初始化列表形式

  • Can initialize any type of data
    • pseduo-constructor calls for built-in types
    • No need to perform assignment within body of constructor
  • Order of initialization is order of declaration
    • Not the order in Initializer list!
    • Destoryed in reverse order of declaration
    • 比如即便在 Initializer list 中 Point(float xa = 0.0, float ya = 0.0): y(ya), x(xa){}yaxa 之前声明,但是由于成员变量声明 xy 之前,所以 x 会先被初始化
    • Point(float xa = 0.0, float ya = 0.0): y(ya), x(y){} 就不会符合 x = y = ya


  • Declarations vs. Definitions
    • cpp file —— compile unit
    • Only declarations are allowed to be in .h (). Declarations are as follows:
      • extern variables
      • function prototypes
      • class/struct declaration
      • inline function
      • Others are Definitions
    • All .h files should look like this:

    Standard header file structure

    #ifdef  HEADER_FLAG
    #define HEADER_FLAG
    //Type declaration here
    #endif  //HEADER_FLAG
  • Tips for header

    • One class declaration per header file
    • Associated with one source file in the same prefix of file name
    • The contents of a header file is surrounded with #ifdef #define #endif